Taming the Bear: Take the Bite out of Stress
Stress Management Classes
Stress is an unavoidable fact of life. To stay healthy, you have to learn how to recognize your individual stress response and then learn new skills with which to approach stressful situations. This class will help you change your response to your environment so you will handle stressful situations differently. Psychological and emotional stresses can become challenges, curiosities, or opportunities to learn.
By learning how to keep psychological and emotional stresses in the mental arena, you can deal with most life situations and maintain your body’s healthy balance. When you learn specific, practical skills (such as those taught in this class) and you practice them so much that they become second nature, your body can stay relaxed and do its job. Keeping your body relaxed encourages it to maintain its natural health and vitality.
(More reading: Why worry about managing stress?)
After successfully completing Taming the Bear: Take the Bite out of Stress Course you will be able to:
Understand how stress works in your body and your life.
Realize what triggers your stress response and how to stop it before the damage is done.
Learn the Seven Tools of Healing and how to apply them (For more information about the seven tools, click here.)
Embrace proven stress management techniques to reduce your risk of stress-related illnesses, including heart disease.
Uncover and transform your perceptions and deeply held beliefs that cause emotional stresses to trigger your body's physical stress response.
Naturally use skills that actually work and effect lasting change in your life
You can manage your stress and transform the frustrations of everyday life with the wisdom of the Seven Tools
You really can change your life by changing your relationship to stress. Class registration is limited to ten students to ensure personal attention and positive results.
Class structure:
Taming the Bear: Take the Bite out of Stress Course meets weekly for six months.
Research shows that it takes at least six months of focused practice to create lasting change. Our classes are designed to allow you the time you need to make a meaningful change in your life. A weekend class or evening seminar can give you good ideas, but then it falls on your shoulders to actually integrate these ideas.
A weekly class, such as Taming the Bear: Take the Bite out of Stress, provides continuing opportunity for practice and deepening your understanding of fundamental concepts. The concepts taught in the class may sound easy, but experience teaches us that it takes diligence and commitment to learn how to apply them skillfully and effortlessly.
Class size:
Each class has a maximum enrollment of ten students. The small group format allows plenty of individualized attention and encourages personal accountability and participation. Regular homework assignments keep the class momentum alive all through the week.
The unique concepts presented in this class were derived by Dr. Steve Hall during his 20+ years of clinical practice focused on helping people get to the root cause of their health concerns. Extensive study of healing modalities and philosophies from around the world inform his work. The course is both practical and formative. Change happens organically on a fundamental level as people work through the process of applying the seven tools of healing to their lives.
It is exciting to be part of a cohort group where people are finally making the changes they have longed to achieve for years. The process is contagious. Group members support each other and model change for each other in ways that give us permission to make our own changes.
Dr. Hall and his associates have all ‘done the process’. Each instructor brings their own life’s work of group facilitation and healing to their class. And they have all incorporated the seven tools into their daily lives. They speak from experience.
Call Grace Porter for more information regarding the starting dates for classes.
$2,000 This can be paid in three installments of $667 during the first, second and fourth months of the class. Or if you choose to pay up front, there is a 10% discount for cash or check.
A two hundred dollar deposit is required to hold your seat in the class, refunded in full if the class is cancelled, 80% refunded if you withdraw up to two days before the start date. To receive the pre-payment discount, payment must be received in full two days before the start of class
If you have questions or want to register, please call and leave Grace Porter a message at (410) 999-4366. Depending upon the demand, other class times may become available.