Dedicated time for you to go deep into your own process. Settle in. Move through.

If we could allow the pace of our meetings to slow down to the pace of our hearts, we might find genuine understanding.
— Marion Woodman
Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
— Carl Jung

My All-time favorite way to work…

Sometimes an hour can feel like an eternity and sometimes it goes by in a flash. What would happen if you had half a day, all day or even three whole days to explore the inner workings of your mind and the stories held within your body?

That is where Therapy Intensive Retreats comes in. We immerse ourselves in your inner work for 1-3 days. This gives us the time to explore deeply and at your own pace. We can work on pieces of your work that feel big and overwhelming or pieces that want a lot of space and extended holding.

What I love about Therapy Intensive Retreats:

  • The expansiveness allowed for the work when time isn’t the limiting factor

  • Things can take the time they need to be explored and held

  • The space to follow the threads that emerge

What Is a Therapy Intensive Retreat?

We meet in a beautiful location for one to three days. Each day we spend 6-7 hours together with time for integration and supportive space around our work time. We talk, we may use art, Yoga Nidra or Brainspotting, we may move or walk, we may use card decks or crystals, we go where the flow of the work takes us. It is a co-creative therapy experience.

Intensive Therapy Retreats offered for established clients. Call (425) 765-6208 to make your first appointment.